
Composite Bonding

Composite bonding is one of the most popular methods in dentistry achieving more confidence in your smile without having preparation of your natural teeth.

This method is preferred for reasons such as;
1- No preparation is needed.
2- Covering the discoloured teeth to make them look white and more aesthetic.
3- Closing the gaps between the teeth.
4- Straightening the crooked teeth.
5- Full smile make-over

Composite Bonding

Composite bonding stands out as one of the basic applications of modern aesthetic dentistry. Composite bonding, which is defined as restorative procedures consisting of composite material applied to tooth surfaces with aesthetic concerns such as color changes, shape modifications, size increases, or correction of defects in teeth without damaging the teeth, refers to bonding material to the tooth. It offers a significant improvement in terms of aesthetics.

These techniques are carefully applied by dentists to provide a natural and aesthetic result while allowing patients to achieve the desired appearance of their teeth. Standard composite materials do not reflect light, appear dark and dull against light, and therefore do not give an aesthetic appearance. However, technological developments have changed the materials used in dentistry, and materials and bonding materials that can imitate tooth enamel very well have started to be produced. These developments have opened a new era in aesthetic dentistry.



Who Can Composite Bonding Be Applied?

Individuals with spaced teeth or diastema problems may prefer composite bonding applications without cutting their teeth or having crowns to achieve an aesthetic appearance. This method creates a homogeneous tooth structure by closing the gaps between the teeth and helps to achieve an aesthetic smile. Individuals who have lost their aesthetic appearance or broken or deformed teeth due to aging may consider composite bonding applications to return to the natural tooth form of their youth. This method allows the teeth to regain their ideal shape, positively affecting the smile and the overall aesthetics of the individual’s face.

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